Tip Top Toes and Lovely Legs
The vast majority of ladies take good care of face and hands moisturising routines. Remember your legs carry you throughout the working day and at parties so give them extra care. Maintaining beautiful legs is easier than to get perfect legs so let’s explore some ideas to try over the next few weeks to get you super fit for the summer!
Stay Safe and Mindful
First of all, you need to be careful and should try not to bump into things, be mindful when in a party atmosphere or at a hen weekend as there are millions of ladies who suffer as a result of one too many tipples. We would not want cuts and scars on your face and just the same for our legs too.
When you hurt your legs you may have permanent scars – if you already have them, work to cure these existing scars. Bio Oil is readily available in a wide range of supermarkets and online stores. Check out product reviews for the best fit for your skin.
Remember to use a good sunscreen for your legs and be cautious to avoid sunburn. One alternative is fake tanning for the legs – why not have the girls round and have a tanning party at home or in the garden with a glass of bubbly?
Hair Removal and Waxing
There are various methods of hair removal so try various methods and choose the one which you feel comfortable and easy to work with. Take care whilst shaving always use a good quality razor and thow away blades you have used for a few weeks – expensive razors are always considered a better option.
Cure Skin Issues
Following on from little bumps and scars consult a good dermatologist if you are facing problems with pimples, ingrowing hairs, varicose veins and blemishes.
Dark Knees and Thick Dead Cells
If you have dark knees consider lightening them. You may simply have a lot of dead skin accumulation around the area of knees and ankles. Various home remedies are available to lighten them such as lemon and honey mixture and allowing the mix to soak into the skin.
Eat Regularly and On Time
Start your day with a healthy breakfast and do not skip food. Enjoy small meals throughout the day – eat lunch and dinner on time. Also, drink lots of water to hydrate your skin and maintain elasticity and suppleness all over your body and not just your legs.
Exfoliate To Be Smooth
Always use a good scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells on the skin’s surface. Always prioritise scrubbing before shaving or hair removal. Scrubbing is a must at least thrice a week.
Moisturise Daily and After Bathing
This again is very important but unfortunately many of us don’t follow this. To get rid of dry, itchy and flaky skin, it is necessary to moisturise your legs daily.
Pedicure For Totally Terrific Toes
Visit a good parlour for a pedicure once in a while. Try visiting once every month. You can also do it yourself with a few good products at home. Once a week at least, give them a basic treat by soaking them in lukewarm water. Exfoliate the dead skin cells from your feet through scrubbing and finally moisturise them.
Leg Makeup
Never heard of this? Various products are available for leg makeup covering any bruises or flaws on your legs. These are not recommended for daily use only to be used on special occasions like parties and events.
Dress With Style
Always wear dresses which flaunt your legs, wear flattering modern cuts of trousers in the latest fashion style. In summer cut off 3/4 jeans look really well with a pedicure and moisturised legs.
Exercise and Tone
Leg maintenance is what some ladies neglect. Exercise such as jogging and stretching at home are at no cost, even for yoga and boxercise there are thousands of videos online if you didn’t fancy paying for a class.
5 Leg Exercise Workouts You Will Love
Swimming – Kicking is an important part of swimming even as you kick the water behind you to stay afloat and propel your body in water. As you swim on a regular basis, kicking continuously against the waters’ resistance will help build toned and muscular thighs. This is the best exercise for legs and thighs especially if you have an injury as it puts less strain on the knees!
Cycling – Vigorous, long distance cycling or mountain biking helps melt cellulite and compress love handles to give way to toned muscular thighs. Have you ever noticed how cyclists always seem to have beautiful legs and well sculpted, toned and muscular thighs? This takes dedication of many months so start today.
Jogging – Running provides muscle and tone to the whole of the lower limbs, including your thighs. Speed walking is very effective for achieving well toned thigh muscles and reducing cellulite. Walk daily and run a few times a week and soon you too will have thighs worth flaunting.
Skipping – Do you still have your childhood skipping rope? Skipping is perfect for toning the lower body as it involves short repetitive movements that quickly activate the thigh muscles. Boxing gyms recommend around 400 jumps daily basis to make headway with cellulite and achieve great toned thighs worth showing off.
Aerobic Excercise – Aerobics has been around for millenia, helping people stay in shape and resolve with weight issues. Once you have achieved your ‘Happy weight’ status or reached your desired body type, Aerobics effectively helps you tone your body together with your thighs by involving a lot of leg movement and squats to build stronger thighs.
Yoga Classes – Yoga is an ancient practice originated in India that transcends the three realms of the physical, mental and spiritual growth and prosperity. Practicing yoga has great benefits for our physical bodies and yoga is made up of different asanas for all parts of our body, including our thighs. Yoga asanas for the thigh have been effective since ancient times.
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